

FileMage SFTPFTP & Web Portal to Google Cloud Storage

FileMage provides a easy to use and flexible file transfer solution backed by Google Cloud Storage. Designed for speed, ease of use, reliability and security.

FTP and SFTP using Google Cloud Storage

SFTPCloud is a scalable and highly-available service for creating secure, managed FTPS and SFTP servers powered by the cloud storage of your choice.

Google Cloud Platform雲端主機!SFTP金鑰產生與連線 ...

2017年4月9日 — 上星期已分享如何在Google Cloud Platform雲端主機上架設WordPress,與綁定網域名稱,應該並不難,但要如何開啟Google雲端主機的FTP呢?

How to enable SFTP for a GCS Bucket

2023年4月20日 — It's a managed solution that allows you to access Google Cloud Storage via SFTP. You can manage from a web dashboard the SFTP users, set ...

How to Setup a sFTP Server in Google Cloud and Restrict ...

2022年7月19日 — First, go to Google Cloud Platform - Compute Engine and click Create Instance. Give it a name and choose the type of instance. GCP will tell you ...

How to Setup a sFTP Server in Google Cloud Platform and ...

2022年7月19日 — First, go to Google Cloud Platform — Compute Engine and click Create Instance. Give it a name and choose the type of instance. GCP will tell you ...

SFTP Gateway

SFTP Gateway is a secure and easy-to-use solution for transferring files to and from cloud storage via SFTP. It's also extremely affordable compared to ...


Manage workloads across multiple clouds with a consistent platform. Go Serverless. Fully managed environment for developing, deploying and scaling apps ...

Using SFTP Gateway to easily transfer files to Google ...

2022年11月16日 — SFTP Gateway for Google Cloud includes a web interface and REST API that simplifies user management, folder permissions, and instance ...

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox
